Thursday, 3 February 2011

The break up

A few weeks ago whilst on a run, my right leg and I had a bit of a tiff. She started giving me lip about half way around my normal 6k loop, complaining that it hurt and it ended up getting out of hand. This ultimately led to our break up. Over 3 weeks on now and our relationship still isn't back to normal despite my calls, letters, and appointments with the doctor. The pain of the break up is worst when walking up stairs and down hills, and has been concluded as a case of Pes Ansernine Bursitus.

In other words. I'm injured. And it looks like I'll stay injured for a good few weeks, which sucks big time. I haven't been able to get any solid cycling done, or any running whatsoever since my fateful run 22 days ago. However after 3 visits to the doctors we've finally managed to whittle it down to a diagnosis. Basically the tendons that attach one of my hamstring muscles to the inside of my right lower leg is poorly. This diagram shows what the deal is pretty well:
The swollen bit is where the problem lies!
I've got an appointment with a local sports physio tomorrow so hopefully I'll find out what I can and can't do, and how long I'm going to be out of action for. In the meanwhile I'm concentrating on swimming, upper body strength and trying to get my dissertation finished by the time I'm back in action so that I'll have more time to train. It's also made me realise how much I take my body for granted so looking on the bright side it's been a lesson learnt.

However I can't wait to get back on the bike soon (I hope)! Look after those legs people! And yes, my right leg is female.


  1. Eek! Take it easy, joint injuries can be a pain (if you'll excuse the pun!)

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